Our Community

Our Community

At the heart of our school community is our pupils, parents and school staff, however, it also extends beyond the school itself.  At Alfriston School we believe that community links are essential in the growth, development and wellbeing of all our pupils.
We regularly visit St Andrew's Church in the village where we hold celebration services and take a central part in significant calendar events.  Members of the church also come into school to run assemblies for the children.
We have links with Frog Firle Farm, Drusillas Zoo Park, Rathfinny Wine Estate and Alfriston Clergy House which the children visit regularly on school trips.
Our community also includes a range of other services we use to support the school for example: our school police liaison officer and Police Community Support Officers, HM Coastguard and local businesses.  We value these links and work hard to build strong partnerships for the benefit of our pupils.
Our Year 6 pupils choose to make the transition to either Ringmer Community College, Seaford Head, Willingdon Community School, Gildredge House or an independent school nearby. We have strong links with all of these schools throughout the year in order to ensure a smooth transition.
Our school is part of the Ashdown Education Improvement Partnership, which enables our children to regularly meet and interact with other children from various similar and contrasting schools in our County. For example, via curriculum enhancement days, sporting matches and tournaments, music events or a joint School Council project.
Members of the local community are welcomed as volunteers in the school, subject to the necessary safeguarding checks and induction procedures, and take on a variety of roles from hearing the children read to running clubs.
We are very fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the country which is rich in learning opportunities. We really value the links we have created over the years and we look forward to forming more partnerships with our local community - they not only enhance the pupils' enjoyment for our school curriculum but they also enable our children to become more socially aware and prepare them to be confident, independent and respectful citizens.