Curriculum Overview

Here at Alfriston Primary School we are passionate about teaching an ambitious, creative and knowledge-rich curriculum. Our children are given opportunities to practise, discuss and develop their knowledge and skills through a wide range of subjects. Children are encouraged to reflect on what they have learnt and on how their knowledge and skills can be applied to different subjects and real life situations.

Our school vision and values lie at the heart of our curriculum.

Across our curriculum, high priority is given to ensuring excellent levels of reading and comprehension. We ensure core academic subjects such as English, Maths and Science are given sufficient weighting. However, we are also proud of our provision for the arts, humanities, physical activity, technology and languages.


Word Aware (Vocabulary)

Research has shown that if children have secure vocabulary skills at a young age then this is one of the strongest predictors of future positive academic outcomes. We use a vocabulary programme called, ‘Word Aware’, which supports us to develop a language rich curriculum and environment across the school. 

In the current school year, 2024/2025, we are on Cycle A.