Support Groups and Services

Class+ Telephone Advice Line
CLASS+ works across East Sussex to support families/carers of young people with ASD. Their aim is to provide support and training that enables families/carers to build their understanding of the strengths and challenges faced by children and young people with Autism and so to develop greater confidence in how to support them.
They offer a weekly advice line, coffee mornings with parents, short pieces of home based support, training for parents and much more. The telephone advice line is available every Monday 10:00am to 1:00pm and every Friday 12:00pm – 3:00pm. Call 01273 336887 and ask for the CLASS+ advice line or email
The National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society are there to provide information and advice for autistic people, friends and families.  Click here for their website.
Amaze SENDIASS is the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service for East Sussex. They can offer advice on anything to do with special educational needs and disability including education, health and social care. The helpline is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 2.30pm on 01273 772289. You can also email the helpline on
East Sussex County Council Library Service (Dyslexia services)
Reading for pleasure is for everyone. Your local public library is a great resource for children and young people with dyslexia. Here is some of what they can access:
  • Books from dyslexia specialist Barrington Stoke for a range of ages
  • Story CDs. Your child may enjoy just listening , but if they want to follow the print version they also have book and CD packs
  • Books for adults about dyslexia and other reading difficulties
  • User friendly computer software is available in all libraries (Supernova) which enables users to change font size and colour
  • ProDigi and Eye Pal Solo reading aids available in BexhillHastings and Eastbourne libraries. These machines are for those who have difficulty with normal print. They have a text to speech function as well as tools to enlarge print and change font colour
  • Quick reads for adults who struggle with reading for any reason or who are reluctant readers.