Using a Tutor

Hiring Private Tutors – safety advice for parents and carers
Is you choose to use a tutor for your child there are some things you can do to help keep them safe.  Tutor services are unregulated so it is important to ensure you carry out some safeguarding checks before deciding on a tutor for your child. Some suggestions are;
  • Hire a tutor who has an up-to-date DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service, formerly CRB) check. The Disclosing & Barring Service perform a DBS check on anyone before they work at schools, charities or other organisations to make sure there is no known reason why they may not work with children or vulnerable adults. You can ask to see their DBS disclosure certificate when you meet them. However, please remember that paper credentials are no substitute for parental vigilance, that many excellent tutors do not possess a DBS certificate, and that it is not a legal requirement for tutoring;
  • Ask the tutor for details of two referees, and follow them both up with a phone call;
  • Ask the tutor for details of the parents of some current or former students, and follow them up with a phone call;
  • Check to see whether the tutor is properly accredited and qualified by asking to see evidence such as certificates, and then contact the relevant accreditation body or organisation;
  • Ask the tutor pro-active questions, listen for inconsistencies in information you are being told and observe body language;
  • Be clear where the tutoring will take place and who will be present. You may wish either to be present in the same room, or to leave the door open and enter the room at random. Your child’s bedroom is not a suitable study space;
  • Trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid of calling off the lessons if you or your child feels uncomfortable.